これまでに1枚の音源を発表、その他ウェブジン「Fecking bahamas」コンピレーションへの参加や映像グループ「octo.live video」への出演等、活動の幅を拡げている。
Oavette consists of two electric guitars, electric bass and drums.They have a simple yet repetitive composition woven into their sound. An overwhelming immersive feeling is produced by a polyrhythm which spreads over the course of their songs. Percussive guitar is intertwined with complicated drum beats, while the baseline stoically builds to the very end of their songs.
Since their self-titled 1st EP was released in 2019, the band have been widening their appeal and such as receiving an invitation to Fecking Bahamas compilation as one of the representative Japanese math-rock band, moreover playing on Youtube live channel, Octo live video.